MARINE I (Ocean Bottom Cable, 1996, 3D seismic recording) One, complex, mature, shallow water, pressure-depleted (but currently producing economically at ~12,500 feet) upper-Miocene reservoir:
South Timbalier Blocks 26 and 23 -- “O” sand (CRIS K)
Permission to publish kindly granted by EPL, Apache, and WesternGeco.
MARINE II (Ocean Bottom Telemetry, 1995, 3D seismic recording) Two, shallow water, middle-Miocene gas sand reservoirs at ~10,500 feet ... one slightly depleted and one un-drilled (at the time of seismic recordings) that were later found to be highly productive:
Eugene Island Blocks 27 and 46 -- CIB CARST sands
Permission to publish kindly granted by EPL and Fairfield Industries.
LAND I & II: D3D-impedance seismic over active or un-drilled reservoirs (i.e., hydrocarbons present when 3D seismic data recorded) in LA and TX.
[These “stranded 3D” surveys were licensed and D3D-reprocessed by VTV, Inc.]
-- Images being prepared. To be published soon. --
Gulf of Mexico Example Guidelines for D3D-processing.